Chermayeff & Geismar Image (Visual Puns):
- Company used text to create an image
1. Taking things apart and putting things back together
2. Designing with type for Aquarium design with fish
3. Symphony (Used G- clef for "S")
4. The Amicus Journal deflated globe image with words below "global tomorrow"
5. "Between the wars" poster with 3 hats of WWI WWII & Winston Churchill
6. Visual pun "War & Remembrance" rose and barbed wire book cover
7. American flag made of pencils (referring to education)
8. "An essay on nature" (cover= leaf from ink holder) - Frederick Woodbridge
9. "Drawing it all together" parks, arts, leisure; pencil tree
10. Pepsi logo cap inside globe stand (known around the world/ drank around the world"
11. Shark on aquarium made from Spanish patterns on side of building
* C & G were known for cutting up images and piecing them back together in murals. When we look at these, we notice all the different parts and the viewer is more engaged for a longer period of time. They also work a lot with grouping and collections
Do not use words in actual images; we can imply towards the image in our application possibly