Here are just a few to look at:

1. By the 12th century the fleur-de-lis had become the heraldic emblem of King Clovis of France
2. Through this propagandist connection to Clovis, the fleur-de-lis has been taken in retrospect to symbolize all the Christian Frankish kings, such as Charlemagne
3. Louie VI & Louie VII & Louis IX
4. Edward III of England
5. King Charles VIII & Joan of Arc's family
6. Today, fleur-de-lis is a national symbol of Bosniaks one of three Bosnian constitutive ethnic groups, the other two being Serbs and Croats.
7. Presently, The fleur-de-lis appears on the Canadian coat of arms, the flags of Quebec and Nova Scotia in Canada. More notably, it is the emblem and symbol of New Orleans and The NFL team, the Saints.

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